As a property owner, you are bound to experience wear and tear in your rental units over time. That’s normal. However, normal wear and tear is different from tenant damages. Tenant damages don’t naturally occur. They are typically a result of tenant neglect.
I’m sure it’s your desire to protect your property as best as you can. After all, it’s an investment and you wish to generate more income as the years go by. Ideally, you want to aim for market appreciation in case you wish to sell it in the future.
That’s why it’s important to prevent tenant damages. While it’s not possible to completely avoid these damages, there are some ways that you can help prevent them. This is especially important to note for
first-time landlords, who don't have this knowledge just yet.
In this article, we,
Advantage Realty Services, Inc., will provide you with our top tips for reducing and preventing severe tenant damages in your rental unit.
1. Start with Tenant Screening
Before accepting a tenant in your property, you should conduct a thorough tenant screening. You can avoid potential tenant damages by reviewing the tenants rental history. If you ask the right questions and contact the right people, you’ll have a greater chance of finding the best renters.
Contact previous landlords and ask them the following questions:
• How did the tenant treat the property?
• Was the tenant accountable enough when it came to property damage, or did he feign innocent and lie?
• Did the tenant contact you when something broke in the unit?
This is a good idea because if a tenant was irresponsible then, he will likely be irresponsible now. Also, damages translate to financial costs and more time and effort on your part. So, you want to make sure that you are finding quality tenants from the beginning.
2. Have a Solid Lease Agreement
Outline the tenant’s duties and responsibilities in the leasing agreement. This will ensure that the tenant is clear on what is expected. You should include policies regarding the expected behavior, and include things to avoid so the property remains in topnotch condition.
A tenant must also be aware of possible damages that can occur by burning candles, smoking in the premises or growing houseplants. Also, state in the lease agreement that the tenant shouldn’t neglect minor damages. Incremental unreported damages will lead to major disasters if not addressed early on.
When a tenant moves in, you must also explain the importance of generally upkeeping the property. Inform the renter on the proper way to operate the appliances and other gadgets around the property. This will prevent damages.
3. Consistently Perform Inspections
A great way to diminish property damage is by conducting walkthroughs. Doing this will help you assess probable damage and potential source of extensive damage.
For instance, you can go around and check water sources since water leaks are among the major cause of extreme damage to a property. Reserve time to look at faucets, toilets, downspouts and gutters where water problems can expectedly occur.
4. Secure a Long-Term Maintenance Plan
The best way to preserve the value of your home is to always take care of it. No tenant will ever care for the unit as much as you. This means that it’s up to you to create and implement your maintenance program.
Plan a maintenance schedule and stick to it. If a tenant has been staying in your rental unit for a long time, regular maintenance still needs to be implemented.
5. Be Mindful of the Plants in your Rental Property
Although plants can add a beautiful aesthetic to your property, you must be cautious of the type of plants you allow in your premises. For starters, plants attract pests. Also, during a rainy season, plants can create a water pool that will contribute to foundation issues in your rental unit. In addition, if you have a giant tree or a cluster of trees on your property, you have to be more consistent when it comes to regular cleanup of your roof, gutters and downspouts.
6. Collect a High Security Deposit
If you require a high security deposit, your tenants will be less negligent. Most think that the objective of collecting a
security deposit
is to make sure you’re covered for any losses and damages caused by the tenant. However, it can also serve as a preventive measure. Tenants want to regain the full refund of their security deposit so they make it a priority to take care of the property and report any minor damages.
If you collect a small security deposit, your renters will likely dismiss it as there is less of a financial incentive to get it back.
7. Check-In with your Tenants
To strengthen your professional
landlord-tenant relationship, it’s a good idea to frequently communicate with them. Encourage an open communication style so they can report any property issues rather than ignoring the problem or keeping it hidden away.
They are your partners in keeping your rental property in top condition.
Bottom Line
In sum, in order to prevent tenant damage in your unit, you need to start by finding quality tenants and setting up a clear lease agreement. Then, have a plan to consistently maintain the property. Finally, always remember to build a good professional relationship with your renters.
We hope these tips will prove useful for your
New Tampa
or other Florida property!